Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3500 graft procedure....

Today’s case originally presented for transplant 15 months ago. On initial presentation he was a Norwood pattern 3 and not on any medical management (his pre op shown above). Following extensive consultation we agreed upon a dual prolonged approach combining full medical management with transplantation focusing on recreating a new frontal hairline as well as some work to be done on the vertex. Ultra refined follicular unit micrografting was performed using standard elliptical harvesting of 36 sq. cm. of donor scalp with an f.u. density of 96-98 grafts per sq. cm. Of the nearly 3500 grafts produced, nearly 2000 grafts were used to restore the frontal 1/3 of his balding scalp with ~1500 grafts used on his crown. Shown are both his initial pre op photos as well as follow up photos 15 months post op. He has done quite well and is very pleased with his results. Brad Limmer, MD/jac